LAFF Details


June 2, 2012


Penn Cinema

541 Airport Rd

Lititz, PA 17543


Films Start: 12pm




Lancaster Area Film Festival
PO Box 339
Strasburg, PA 17579
Voice: 717-687-9630
Fax: 717-687-0812

Submission Rules


Submit films with Withoutabox

Films can be any genre or style and will be divided into three categories, Short Shorts, Shorts, and Feature Shorts. Short Shorts can be up to 15 minutes in length. Shorts can be between 15 and 30 minutes in length. Feature Shorts can be between 30 and 60 minutes in length. 


Short Shorts: Super Early $20; Early Bird $25; Regular $30; Extended $35

Shorts: Super Early $30; Early Bird $35; Regular $40; Extended $45

Feature Shorts: Super Early $45; Early Bird $50; Regular $55; Extended $60

Submission Deadlines:

Super Early 11/4/11; Early Bird 12/9/11; Regular 1/10/12; Extended 2/10/12

Films must be postmarked by the submission deadline due date.

Category                                Length                                     SE        EB       Reg     Ext

Short Shorts                         up to 15 min                                $20      $25      $30      $35

Shorts                                   between 15 & 30 minutes           $30       $35      $40     $45

Feature Shorts                      between 30 & 60 minutes           $45       $50      $55     $60


Films can be submitted on Blue Ray or DVD only.